Because we can get to places and people others can’t, we increase the impact of the social initiatives of the companies involved
Our innovative approach is dedicated to engaging people locally and to distributing supplies at scale.
It enhances your company’s name and brand recognition
It builds a positive image among all the participants
It augments media attention for service initiatives
It leads schools and young people to become more involved in the community
Our Expertise
We create the conditions for the delivery of high quality glasses & better vision
We master every step of the delivery process, from project management to final delivery.
We make our approach replicable across the world.
We focus on our 4 pillars : Health, Hygiene, Literacy and the Environment.
Scale and Read
In our city, everybody can see.
Phase 1, focuses on one metropolitan area of 3 – 4 million people, in this case, the metropolitan area of Indore.
Emerald Heights International School acts as the leader school and creates links to 9 other schools.
ICU2 Vision Centers and Eye Camps
Replicable Experience
High volume distribution
Sustainable & Persistent