Our Eye Care Project in India aims to

Distribute 2 Million pairs of glasses a year

Our Eye-Care Projects

Why it matters

Good vision impacts all aspects of life : education, employment, administrative tasks, access to culture and social relationships

🌏 550+  Million people in India live with unrefracted vision error

🇮🇳  2.7 Billion people in the world live with  unrefracted vision error

We propose three ways for schools to engage within the community



1 school
20 000 glasses
500 cataract operations

Our Impact Tomorrow


100 schools


2 Million glasses


50 000 cataract operations

We create the conditions for the delivery of high quality glasses & better vision.

From project management to final delivery

We make our approach replicable across the world

We master every step of the delivery process

Benefits for Schools and Students

The ICU2 Vision Program is a school for empathetic service and bold entrepreneurship where students work together to help others while learning all the ins and outs of running a bustling business outlet.

From communication and marketing, to ordering and following inventory, to managing a team’s efficiency and morale, each student has an opportunity to acquire essential life skills and university preparation that goes far beyond the classroom.

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